Sustainable IT Asset Management: The Future of IT Infrastructure

Words Aura | Paramita Chakraborty
4 min readNov 28, 2022

The management of IT assets is a challenge for every organization. Between software, hardware, and other devices, there are many moving parts that can quickly become overwhelming. With the rise of digital transformation initiatives, IT departments are tasked with managing an increasing number of devices while continuing to support business processes.

This ever-changing landscape makes it more important than ever for IT organizations to implement asset management best practices to ensure their infrastructure meets the needs of the business and operates as efficiently as possible. Optimized asset management can help reduce costs, increase uptime, and streamline maintenance so your organization is ready for what comes next in the digital transformation journey. Read on to learn more about sustainable asset management strategies and how they can benefit your organization.

What is sustainable asset management?

Sustainable asset management (SAM) is a broad term that encompasses the management of physical assets and information technology (IT). It is a systems-level approach that ensures long-term viability of physical and financial assets by: Planning, designing, installing, maintaining, and adjusting software and hardware. Sustainable asset management can be further broken down into six specific practices:

  • Planning
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance
  • Evaluation

What is dynamic asset management?

Dynamic asset management (DAM) is a technology-driven approach to identifying and managing assets. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), it will analyze asset behavior and trigger actions to optimize resources. DAM can be applied to physical assets and information technology systems. With the rise of data-driven organizations, organizations have begun to apply AI to their IT infrastructure to manage their assets more effectively. AI can be used to improve asset health through optimization and discovery through machine learning. It can also be used to provide operational feedback and reports to facilitate decision making.

Best practices for dynamic asset management

There are many benefits to adopting a dynamic asset management (DAM) strategy. There is almost no upfront investment needed, as all of this is done automatically. Additionally, the discovery process of AI can quickly become a discovery and discovery management platform. This means that any asset or group of assets can be discovered and managed via AI, with no regard to the asset’s location or previous history.

Maintaining the Integrity of Assets with Secure Communication

When it comes to asset and data integrity, there are three main areas to focus on.

  • Encryption: Encryption ensures that data traffic is secure and confidential, and that data is unreadable without the key.
  • Physical security: Ensuring that data is kept physically secure reduces the risk of data exposure and ensures that no unauthorized person gains access to sensitive data.
  • Data governance: Ensuring that data is properly stored and managed for access, modification, and disclosure requires detailed planning and attention to security controls.

Key Points

Physical and digital infrastructure are connected, and each has a distinct set of assets. Asset management is the process of identifying and monitoring these assets to ensure they stay healthy and functioning properly. This includes installing and managing devices and software. The purpose of asset management is to ensure that assets run as efficiently as possible with as little interruption as possible to the business.

Sustainable asset management is a strategy that includes planning, design, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation. Planning involves identifying and prioritizing the needs of various departments within the organization. In designing, it is important to consider both short- and long-term needs. Long-term goals include increasing the value of assets to the organization by developing new products, services, and revenue streams.

What’s next in the digital transformation journey?

Now that you’re aware of the benefits of sustainable asset management, it’s time to examine what’s coming next in the digital transformation journey.

The cloud: The next big thing in enterprise IT infrastructure?

Business leaders are increasingly using the cloud as the foundation for their business operations. The cloud is becoming a more frequent topic in tech strategy meetings, as organizations evaluate their current infrastructure and how it can be leveraged to achieve greater efficiency and increased revenue. It is important for organizations to understand the capabilities and limitations of current infrastructure as well as the implications of adopting new technologies.


As the digital transformation journey continues, businesses will analyze and manage their physical and digital infrastructure in tandem. This will require organizations to adopt a flexible approach that allows for the addition of new technologies while maintaining the security and integrity of existing assets. With advancements in AI and computer vision, businesses can now easily integrate assets with no software or code changes necessary. This leads to a more agile environment with increased operational efficiency. What’s more, with the growth of the cloud, organizations can now easily shift their assets between on-premises and the cloud with minimal effort. The future of IT infrastructure looks bright with the adoption of sustainable asset management. Finally, organizations will need to take advantage of this growth by optimizing the way they manage their assets to reduce costs and increase efficiency.



Words Aura | Paramita Chakraborty

Deeply inclined towards writing and it is my goal to combine my range of knowledge with my ability to be a compassionate, enthusiastic, intelligent writer.